Future Sight

Future Sight

2nd Generation

Attack: 120

Hit: 100 %

PP: 10


Two turns after this move is used, a hunk of psychic energy attacks the target.


One other Pokémon on the field, selected by the trainer.


Hits the target two turns later.




Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

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Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

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