Throat Chop

Throat Chop

7th Generation

Attack: 80

Hit: 100 %

PP: 15


The user attacks the target’s throat, and the resultant suffering prevents the target from using moves that emit sound for two turns.


One other Pokémon on the field, selected by the trainer.


Prevents the target from using sound-based moves for two turns.




Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

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Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

Technical Records

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